Note to a lifer!

Hey hey! This has caught me in a frenzy. It’s usually under distress that my mind goes whirling with words. 

Well today, this evening. I’ll just say something little. Not certain it will make much sense, but I feel like putting it out here.

In life(well mine, not sure what goes on in yours) we always stumble or come across challenges. Things that aren’t milk and honey (chocolate and cake for me, and yogurt) and we wonder what to do. Or how to jump over the huddle, cross this wild sea. We often feel negative vibes and distress. It’s all normal. We cannot always have what we what. Or can we!

It’s normal to feel that way, it’s actually fine. What isn’t is to decide to stay that way. We are people with consciousness. A conscious mind makes decisions. So what will you do? Stay around and mop, let it all get to you. Feel like it’s the end of the world. Feel like you can’t get through it. No that isn’t right. 

What gets things done is action. And to start doing something, you decide. You set your mind on that challenge. Think about it in all ways(some challenges are disguised blessings BTW) and then believe that you will find a way to get through it. Nothing especially the best things in life come easy(well some people are just too damn lucky but we’ll all that glitters is not gold). 

I can’t say that I have this many tips on how to get you going about something distressing you but I know the mind is the most powerful weapon a human has. If you have that intact then all you need is the positive attitude. Believe in you. Believe in your mind and open it to many possibilities on how to get on with whatever is ahead of you. 

If you believe, you can live!


So that will be all for today, well if I don’t get hitched on another deep thought!

All the best in whatever you have embarked on. It will go well. And I believe that.

Until next time 😉


Hello there. It’s been a while since I was here. Hope y’all doing great or somewhere near that.

Well I’m pretty much excited, it’s a touchy topic today and I’m that type. The goofy writers. Sometimes that is!

So my excitement, you could guess what could do that to a young lady like myself. ( *Giggles under her breath). Yeah you got that right. Has to do with men.

Well not necessarily men, relationships maybe but more specifically my future husband(who I do not know BTW) and I.

So this whole story caught(crossed my mind) me while I(alone) took a stroll this evening. It got me thinking that if I were to marry someone(Oh God, let it be the right one for me and one I’m right for- feel like that’s repetition there but oh well!). So this someone I’m to marry should know all the shades of me. They are probably not fifty. Haven’t counted. 

This brings us to the title of our story today, shady! I know the word itself is shady but that’s not what I mean. I mean that people are perfect. People are not always what you want them to be. What makes us human are all these imperfections that get all these humanity juices of forgiveness, care, nurture, creativity(name it all) flowing. It makes sense if you think about it. In a perfect world where we were all perfect, non of it would matter. It wouldn’t be significant. It wouldn’t exist. 

So back to the point, I ran across a post that got me thinking, well let’s see if I can get it onto here!

Yes, there!

Despite everything one might do, be all kinds of shades, if they do love you then it is worth it. It’s part of it. 

I’ll be all shades(kinds) of woman or female at some point. I’ll be a baby, I’ll be a toddler, I’ll be a teenager, I’ll be mature, I’ll be senile, I’ll be in between all that and I’ll want you to understand. I’ll need you to remember why we chose eachother. 

I’ll be happy, sad, moody, excited and all shades there is at any point in time.

I’ll be blue, grey, green(probably will need medical attention here), red, you do get the point but if I do love you that won’t matter.

 Dear future husband, I  do think love can conquer all. Well I also think love involves forgiveness, commitment, kindness, tolerance and all those happy nice things. I also think it can’t be perfect. And it doesn’t have to be. Don’t prove to be perfect. Prove to be you. And with all these imperfections, our humanities will strive, our love will forever stand and grow. Dear future husband, I don’t think I’m the easiest person to be with but never did the course of love run smooth(Shakespeare quote) but if we run it together; if you fall, I’ll catch you and as we run, hold my hand.

More than Just Trees!

Good afternoon!

12:45 checking in!

Hope this catches you well.

So today, I’ll be going on about how I love forests(not because it’s what I study! Well I’m studying a Bachelor’s degree in Conservation Forestry and Products Technology! I know sounds cool!), but because they are important and they matter. 

So on this website, we’ll catch plenty about forestry (do tell when I suffocate you). And today I’m just generalising out some(wouldn’t exhaust them, many are still unknown even) of the importances of forests. And here I commence ;

  1. Carbon sequestration. Absorbing and storing carbon. This could be by the trees that absorb carbon dioxide and turn it into wood(trunk, branches and roots) and leaves and in the forest soils where this carbon stays bound up for a long long time(could be thousands of years!). With this evident, living forests are important for our(Earth’s) climate system.
  2. Conserving soil and water. By slowing run-off and allowing water to filter into the soil(forest soils have great properties BTW), they preserve ground water supplies(aquifers) that provide fres, pure and clean water for animals(you and I too) and other aquatic life in nearby streams. These streams in turn drain into bigger streams/rivers which flow into lakes/oceans( yeah you get the drill) keeping a fresh water supply in the world.
  3. Regulating climate. Forests play a role in weather especially rainfall patterns as well as the micro-climates. Also when planted strategically, trees are effective wind barriers and also provide a cooling effect “shade”. Compare a forested and bare area you’ve been to, different right!
  4.  Home to people. Approximately 300 million people around the world actively live in forests and depend on them directly for basic needs(food, medicine) and livelihoods.
  5. Habitats for mammalals, birds and arthropods. These forests are homes to almost half of the world’s species with some of the richest biodiversity found in tropical forests. Many of the rare and endangered species depend on some of these isolated forest and thus to conserve them(forests) is to conserve these species. This in turn sustains our ecosystem.
  6. Wood for furniture, lumber and energy. Trees can carry large volumes of wood which may be processed into furniture or other Woody products, lumber(timber) for construction or converted into energy as firewood.
  7. Non-timber Forest Products(NFTPs). While timber/wood is of high value, forests have so much more to offer; food, resins, medicines, gum and many others which in their caliber are very valuable products.
  8. Source of jobs and livelihoods. According to Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), more than 1.6 billion people( that’s about 22% of the world population) around the world to some extent depend on forests for their livelihood. Some other 60 million indigenously directly for their entire livelihood and about 10 million employed in Forest management and conservation (there could be an opportunity for you too!)
  9. Prevent floods. Like I said forest soils have great properties and thus can absorb large amount of water(flood) and also the forest structure(roots) can slow the water flow.
  10. Ecotourism. Forests are of high economic value in n this aspect. They are natural areas where low-impact visiting can take place for various reasons while maintaining ecological conservation.
  11. Natural beauty. Forests are a source of human inspiration and enjoyment even from a far. They symbolise nature and life. Asthetically being in a forested area will give you a feeling of peace and tranquility. (Explains why I’m a dendrophile. Story for another day ;)!)

Well to wrap it up, I can’t say that’s all there is to these forests and their ecosystems but with time, we’ll see more of what these features have to offer to us and mama nature!

They are more than just trees, they help our planet breath and to destroy them is to destroy ourselves!

01 01

It’s 01:01 am in the morning. Can’t find the sleep I need. All I have with me is a drained mind. Worries of the day ahead of me.

What is it with Mondays. Is it the sudden change of schedule from Sunday Funday to Monday Monday(can’t think of any rhyming alias right now. Reminder: drained mind!)

That reminds me, someone recently said to me, (not his exact words but close)

It is more tiring to do spend a day doing nothing that actually doing some work!

So that will explain my drained mind. Sunday had a lot of time for me to dwell on nothing. It’s very much draining. 

So with that note, let’s embrace this “dreadful” Monday as we usually like to think of it. Embrace the work and active energies it brings with it. Start the new week with positivity(forget all the worries, but oh well even worries can be motivating) knowing that doing something is actually better(mind and productivity) than doing nothing. 

A positive attitude is what we need. 

I’ve started mine with one and I’m 0101% sure it will work out just fine.

To the new week with positive energies and new beginnings.

Have a lovely week.

Depression Series 2 #POETRY

Tales of a Curious mind


In a world
Where depression is synonymous with evil spirits
Where many flee from your aura because they are afraid they will catch your “bad luck ”
They are too scared
Too afraid to breath in the negative air that engulfs your presence
Worried your vice may be contagious
That the nothingness you feel will spread

In a culture
Where people that shut out the world
lock their tears behind fortresses of strength are considered heroes
Where everyone is mimicking Superman
There is no room for weakness
No room to let the darkness in you glow
No safe place to place your crumbled pieces
No pillow to cast the weariness in your soul
People will say you have embraced the demons of the “white man”
Because its not African to drown in a despair you don’t understand
It’s not Black to feel like your soul was sore
To have wounds…

View original post 477 more words

First one!

So this is like a first for me, can’t promise I’ll be a constant here. But it seems fun,so I guess I’ll just keep up with it.

It is Sunday! Well who said Sundays are meant to be boring. I dunno but they were right.

This day has slugged its way through, been so uneventful so I really have nothing to write about. But wait, nothing is also something to write about. Spending a day doing a bunch of nothing can be a good thing.

See! I’m right here on Word Press. Lol. I guess this Sunday doesn’t have to be so bad after all. 

Lemme keep this short. Enjoy the rest of your day y’all out there. Need bloggers to follow😕 and some to follow me🙀.

Bye 👋

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